Knee Brace

ACL tears are the most common orthopedic problem in dogs. Yes, more than hips! A dog leg brace applies the corrective forces needed to support proper joint function allowing for more consistent results in your ACL treatment. Learn more

Ankle Brace

Dogs with Achilles ruptures, Degenerative myelopathy (DM), or other neurological issues have hind limb problems. Crouching dogs need a lift. Dogs dragging their knuckles need to be put in a position to heal. A dog leg brace provides that support. Learn more

Wrist Brace

Most commonly used to support carpal hyperextension, some dogs cannot lift their body weight. A dog leg brace has also been shown to help some deformity when the wrist is at an angle. Learn more


What would you consider a success? Going for a walk? Chasing a frisbee? Living with less pain? A dog leg brace will help you achieve all of these! Owner Experiences